Sorry it's been so long since our last post. Last weekend we went to the Irish Festival in Phoenix and had a blast! Quinn wouldn't leave the dance floor when it was time for the Irish girls dance club to begin. He was also quite shocked at the size of the Irish wolfhounds we saw as well. His immediate comment was Woooooooowwww, as he stood nose to nose with them when he was in his stroller. It was a little warmer than normal it actually got up into the low 90's on Saturday but that didn't keep Quinn from running like a wild man all over the large grassy park the festival was located in. Dad just had to keep buying overpriced lemonade at 5 bucks a whack! Monday was not such a good day. We got a phone call from the day care that Quinn was "violently ill" and so we had to go pick him up. Must have been a 24hr bug of some sort. He continued to get sick when we got him home but today (Tuesday) he was his usual self as he got to stay home from school and torment his father all day. We weren't sure how Quinn would take to "trick or treating". Our thought was he'd just go to the immediate neighbors in our cult-a-sac and come home. Once he got out there in the swing of things he didn't want to come home! He wouldn't say trick or treat but he always said Hi, Bye, and Thank you at every stop. Gavin on the other hand didn't make it past pictures as he fell asleep as usual. Quinn and Gavin have another new friend........Nathan Patrick Nightingale. He was born Monday, 6lbs 4oz and 19in long.