IT was another good day for Quinn at school! After his Dad talked to the administrator about his concerns with Quinn being bored in the classroom he was in they agreed to try him out today for at least the morning session in the "Preppers" classroom. It was an immediate success!! Quinn didn't cry when we dropped him off (like usual) but instead joined right in with what the class was doing. And at lunch time rather than send him back to the younger class as they had anticipated, they instead moved all his belongs to the new classroom. YEAH!! When i went to pick him up Quinn was leading the class down the hallway back to the classroom from the activities center. He wanted NO PART of coming home! The instructor said he did so well in his first day that there was no reason to send him back to his old class. While I'm excited for Quinn I feel a little sorry for the kids that Quinn skipped over who should have gone into that class before him. But it's great to see him excited about going to daycare again. It's funny, in his old class when they didn't keep him stimulated and learning he would head straight for the classroom door, turn the knob, and down the hall he would take off!! He even had a couple of accomplices who would wait for Quinn to open the door and then the other two would take of with him. The faculty was calling them the "getaway gang". As for Gavin, he's still growing like mad. he's sitting in highchairs at daycare, squirming like crazy like he wants to start crawling, and chewing like there's no tomorrow. He's even started to get the hang of the bouncie seat.
He can't get enough of his big bro, that's for sure!!
Does that make Quinn a Preppie??
no....my grandson Preps the Preppies ! :)
way to go on the continued successes with potty training Quinn !
love you Quinn and Gavin !!!!
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