Sunday, July 01, 2007


We had a pretty boring weekend, as you can see Quinn got hurt, he was trying to climb into Gavins bed and fell and hit his eye on the bed. The other pictures are our daily regimen with Quinn playing baseball he either wants to catch or bat, which has become dangerous in the house. Gavin's hair is getting long but have not wanted to buzz him yet! Gavin has started to pull himself up. He sure is grwoing fast, he is feeding himself, we are now trying to wean him off the bottle!

1 comment:

Mimi said...

I hope you don't buzz Gavin before we come in Aug. I'd like to see our baby boy one more time before he becomes a little man. :)
Hope your ooooowwwwwiiiieeee is better Quinnsta!
PaJoe and I miss our boys very much.
xoxox Mime