Quinn and Gavin have really enjoyed the weeks leading up to X-Mas. Being so far away gifts find their way to our doorstep so when we pull into the driveway in the evening Quinn goes Bizerk when he sees a package (s) at the door. And while Quinn is in full gift opening mode, Gavin would rather just sit on the packages and play with the discarded paper his brother has just tore through. Quinns new tag phrase is "that's my favorite". with each item he opens it becomes his new favorite thing. He's especially fond of the #7 Clausen jersey that aunt hilary sent him. he'd wear it every day to school if we'd let him. pretty soon he'll have one for every day of the week with the #3 he already had, and the #83 from Doug and Robyn, and now the #7 from aunt hilary. add that to the urlacher jersey and the cubs jersey and he's a walking billboard for the local sports store. 3 days until x-mas and we got our first frost of the year! our blood must be definitely thinning because there was no way we were going anywhere when we say frost on the windshield. Heck, we don't own a scrapper any more to clean it off! but by 2:00 it was back up to 65 so we braved the conditions and ran some errands :)

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