Friday, August 17, 2007

Quinns car ride to school

Usually in the morning Quinn has a lot to share with me in our 45 minute drive to school. Today he was telling me who he would like to come to his birthday party, he named his usually Mimi, Papa Joe, Drew, Uncle Chris, Uncle Rudy and Issa, Aunt Cece (Katie), Aunt Hilary, and at the end he tells me Bo and his Daddy. I turned around and said who, he said Bo you know, come on Mommy!! Bo and his Daddy. I think he thought that Doug was Bo's Daddy. Anyways I thought it was really cute.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Quinn the Musician/ Baseball Player

In the picture with Quinn is his fancy new baseball hat that Uncle Rudy sent him, with his new flute coursity of Papa Joe, He couldn't figure out how to play the flute and make the noise sound nice. The last picture is rare to see the two boy s playing nice with each other and Quinn giving him kisses! He truly can be sweet when he wants to be! Gavin is the best baby even, I don;t know how we got so lucky, but he really is a happy go lucky big boy!

Quinn Turned 3!

So Quinn turned 3 last week we decided to have one big birthday party for both boys at the end of the month. Quinn started in his new classroom today at school, he is offically now a preschooler! He was pretty excited because now they get to play on computers, the bad thing is his friend Xaxier won't be coming into the room for a couple more months. After we got back from Indiana, Quinns friend was so excited to see him he ran up to Quinn gave him a big hug and then Quinn kissed him on the lips! Quinn got a new Diego bike for his birthday, thanks Mimi and Papa Joe! I was trying to take pictures of the two of them tofather as you can see we finally got one that looks good. I thought the other ones were funny! Good thing Gavin is a tough kid!