Saturday, October 27, 2007

More Pumpkins


We went and got pumpkins today! What a great idea someone had developing these things you stick in the pumpkin to make a face. Thanks Doug & Robin for those!
This is quinn,i just typed that!q12qd uh, sorry, quinn.

Ready for Halloween

As you can see we are ready for trick & treat! Mimi and Papa Joe sent these two their costumes! Thanks! Quinn loves his costumes and runs around the house like spider man! Gavin is a bear, so fitting considering his fat little cheeks!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Gavin's Walking & Quinn's Booty Dance

So Gavin is walking really well as you can see in the pictures! Quinn's booty dance is something he does everytime he caughts the football he runs around screaming touchdown and then does this ridiculous booty dance! (As seen here in the 4th picture. )

Not much else we are going to do pumpkins this weekend. Gavin was sick today and we had to pick him up from daycare, however when we got home he seemed to be fine. He is getting some of his back teeth in, so we think it is his teeth!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Best Buds

Quinn and Gavin are really learning to exist in the same house. Gavin is walking now, he barely crawls at all anymore. He has been a little sick this last week, ruuning nose, cough...
Quinn is talking more and more everyday! He wants to be Spider Man for Halloween. WE have yet to find the spider man costume in his size. We did not think he even knew who spider man was, but we bought popcorn once that had spider man on the box!
I think everyone knows that we have about a 45 minute drive to work everday, so we have become pretty resourceful driving and entertaining two kids. Gavin got fussy a couple of weeks ago, we tired everything music, singing, food, drink, nothing seem to work. Mike decieded to turn on his irish music pretty much to cover up the crying and you can not imagine what happened next. Gavin was happy as could be popping his head up and down. And Quinn was singing along.
We went to these parent teacher conferences last night at day care. Both of the boys are doing well developementally. Both of there teachers stated that they both love to eat. They have to limit Quinn to only two helpings of lunch and snacks. Mike and I will have to get second jobs to feed these two once they get to be in junior high!!!
Quinn likes to keep his mom and dad on track and says at dinner time, day prayers. It is pretty cute, but he can not understand why gavin gets to keep eating during prayers.

Sunday, October 14, 2007